Welcome to Chemistry Online!
ChemistryOnline.com has been designed for use in Introductory Chemistry (Chemistry 101) and the first semester of General Chemistry (Chemistry 112) at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC). It parallels the topics covered in most similar courses and is also widely used by other colleges and universities. This site hosts lecture slides, lecture recordings, exam review material and a set of interactive (algorithmic) Tutorials that cover many of the key topics in these courses. The site is maintained by Professor Paul Young (pyoung@uic.edu) and the slides and other content on the site are based on his lectures. In practice, many of the other instructors in this sequence also utilize the same (or similar) content, making the site useful to all Introductory and General Chemistry students at UIC.
The sequence of topics that are covered are based on the text, Introductory Chemistry Online, also written by Paul Young. The text consists of eleven chapters (about 200 pages) followed by lecture-slide mini-prints and sample exams in an inexpensive, black & white, spiral-bound textbook (about $60) and is available on LuLu.com. Students typically utilize the "mini-prints"in lecture, directly annotating the slides and working in-class problems; the goal is to allow them to "write less and listen more". Instructors using the book are welcome to download (editable) versions of the lecture slides for class use (please PRY directly). The complete text of the First Edition is also available online (free) through ChemistryOnline.com and a more limited version is available on WikiBooks.

Why the Email Prompts??
Students in the program at UIC are "encouraged" to use the website to review lecture material and to prepare for exams. The Tutorials offered online are especially useful for problem-solving practice. In order to "reward" this practice, user email addresses and their online activity (within the Tutorial pages) is forwarded to Professor Young so he can view their efforts and assign credit by whatever means seems appropriate. UIC students in Professor Young's classes should use their UIC email address in this prompt as others will not sort properly.