Introductory Chemistry Online

CHAPTER 1: Measurements and Atomic Structure

1.1   Why Study Chemistry?

1.2   Organization of the Elements:  The Periodic Table   

1.3   Scientific Notation

1.4   SI and Metric Units

1.5   Unit Conversion with the Metric System

1.6   Significant Figures

1.7   Atomic Structure and Electron Configuration

1.8   Filling Orbitals with Electrons


CHAPTER 2: The Physical and Chemical Properties of Matter

2.1   Pure Substances and Mixtures

2.2   The States of Matter 

2.3   Density, Proportion and Dimensional Analysis

2.4   Chemical & Physical Properties and Changes

2.5   Conservation of Mass


CHAPTER 3: Chemical Bonding and Nomenclature

3.1   Compounds, Lewis Diagrams & Ionic Bonds

3.2   Covalent Bonding    

3.3   Lewis Representation of Ionic Compounds

3.4   Identifying Molecular and Ionic Compounds

3.5   Polyatomic Ions

3.6   Resonance

3.7   Electronegativity and the Polar Covalent Bond

3.8   Exceptions to the Octet Rule

3.9   Common Valence States & Ionic Compounds

3.10 Nomenclature of Ionic Compounds


CHAPTER 4: The Mole and Measurement in Chemistry

4.1   Measurement and Scale;  the Mole Concept

4.2   Molar Mass

4.3   Mole-Mass Conversions

4.4   Percentage Composition

4.5   Empirical and Molecular Formulas


CHAPTER 5: Chemical Reactions

5.1   Chemical Changes & Chemical Reactions

5.2   Chemical Equations

5.3   Balancing Chemical Equations

5.4   Classifying Chemical Reactions

5.5   Oxidation & Reduction Reactions

5.6   Predicting Products from Chemical Reactions

5.7   Predicting Solubility Trends

5.8   The Energetics of Chemical Reactions


CHAPTER 6: Quantitative Relationships in Chemistry

6.1   An Introduction to Stoichiometry

6.2   Molar Stoichiometry in Chemical Equations

6.3   Mass Calculations

6.4   Percentage Yield

6.5   Limiting Reactants


CHAPTER 7: Aqueous Solutions

7.1   Hydrogen Bonding and the Properties of Water

7.2   Molecular Dipoles

7.3   Dissolution of Ionic Compounds

7.4   Concentration and Molarity

7.5   Solution Stoichiometry

7.6   Dilution of Concentrated Solutions


CHAPTER 8: Acids, Bases and pH

8.1   Hydrogen Bonding

8.2   Ionization of Acids in Solution

8.3   Conjugate Acid-Base Pairs

8.4   Acids-Bases Reactions:  Neutralization

8.5   The Meaning of Neutrality:  The Autoprotolysis of Water

8.6   pH Calculations

8.7   Titrations:  Neutralization and Stoichiometry


CHAPTER 9: The Gaseous State

9.1   Gasses and Atmospheric Pressure

9.2   The Pressure-Volume Relationship:  Boyle’s Law

9.3   The Temperature-Volume Relationship:  Charles’s Law

9.4   The Mole-Volume Relationship:  Avogadro’s Law

9.5   The Ideal Gas Law

9.6   Combining Stoichiometry and the Ideal Gas Laws


CHAPTER 10: Principles of Chemical Equilibrium

10.1 The Concept of Equilibrium Reactions

10.2 The Equilibrium Constant

10.3 Calculating Equilibrium Values

10.4 Using Molarity in Equilibrium Calculations

10.5 Equilibria involving Acids and Bases

10.6 The pH of Weak Acid Solutions

10.7 Solubility Equilibria


CHAPTER 11: Nuclear Chemistry

11.1 Radioactivity

11.2 The Nuclear Equation

11.3 Beta Particle Emission

11.4 Positron Emission

11.5 Radioactive Half-Life

11.6 Atomic Fission and Fusion Reactions

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